About SRC

The Students Representative Council (SRC), exists as a student government to empower students, to coordinate activities and effect change within our college. SRC shall serve as a vital and active forum for students to rally support for causes, activities and organizations; to voice discontent; to mediate satisfying and beneficial solutions to the concerns of Narh-Bita College student body. SRC shall be entrusted with the power to charter, fund, and coordinate the activities of all student organizations.

Narh Bita College SRC concerns itself with all aspects of students’ welfare within the College. In addition to that, it coordinates the activities of academic, cultural, religious, political and recreational clubs and societies. It also links students with external organizations.

Immediately an individual becomes a registered student of the Narh Bita College, that person automatically becomes a member of the SRC. Therefore, all students are eligible and encouraged to participate in one or more of the various programs and events of the SRC.

Aims and objectives

  1. The interests and welfare of the student body in general and the Narh Bita College, in particular, is first on the priority list of the SRC. They serve as the mouthpiece of the entire student body of the College. The SRC communicates the interests of the students to the College authorities.

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