Cataloguing and Classification                                                                                         
Cataloguing and classification constitute one of the important services  in libraries. Sincelibrary resources are varied and of multiple purposes, there is the need to provide rapid and easier access to these resources so that users do not spend productive searching for information. Therefore, the resources must be properly described. This description is achieved through a wide range of resource discovery mechanism. The library resources are classified using a hybrid of the National Library of Medicine and The Library of Congress (LC) classification schemes.

Lending of Library Materials                                                                                              
The library lends materials to its patrons after satisfying that they are duly registered and qualified to use the library. Students must present their library identity cards to the front desk staff before they can use or borrow books from the library. Teaching staff and others are expected to fill out a register before borrowing any library books. For more information on borrowing books, refer to the library guide.

Short Loan Materials                                                                                                       
Materials that are in high demand and susceptible to being stolen are housed separated from the main collection. These materials can be borrowed for use in the library and must be returned immediately after use. These materials include; previous research work by past students, patient family care plan, and certain library books.

The library may reserve an item that has been borrowed from the library for a particular patron upon request. This means that such an item is urgently needed by the patron. When this happens, the borrower would not be allowed to renew the item requested. The patron requesting the item is then informed of the availability of the item and he/she is then given two days to collect the item, otherwise the item is returned to the shelves.

Library Orientation                                                                                                        
Orientation is one of the essential services rendered by the library. New users are introduced to the range of available resources of the library and the appropriate tools required to locate needed resources. They are also appraised with the practices, working procedures and how to approach the library staff for assistance. Orientation ensures students and other users make judicious use of the library.

Staff Assistance / Library Instruction                                                                                
The library staff is always ready and available to help patrons;

  • find books, articles and relevant materials
  • use databases and internet effectively
  • evaluate information
  • cite and make reference of any retrieved information to avoid plagiarism
  • choose and develop a research topic

Literature Search / Literature Exploration                                                                      
This is a well-crafted service to help Narh-Bita students and other users of Narh-Bita library who are undertaking research projects. Patrons of the library who have difficulties or do not have the time to search for relevant articles for their research work can submit their research topics to the librarian, who will undertake a thorough literature search on their behalf.

The library offers photocopying services to its patrons. Students are always reminded of the laws regarding copyright and reproduction laws of information resources to ensure they do not go against them.

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