
The library is opened to all registered students of the college. The following are also allowed to use the library:

  • The academic and administrative staff of the college.
  • Management and Members of Council of Narh-Bita College.
  • The hospital staff.

Other visitors and researchers granted permission by the President.

Lending/borrowing privileges

Students                                   –           one book /per a week, renewal for another one week

Lecturers                                  –           4 books/28dys, renewal for another 28days

Materials not to be borrowed

All materials considered or marked as references are not allowed out of the library. They are to be used only within the library. For instance:

  • first copy of every textbook,
  • encyclopedias,
  • dictionaries,
  • newspapers,
  • journals,
  • magazines,
  • past research works, and care studies.

Overdue fines and misplaced/lost items

Each borrowed item not returned on time attracts a specified fine and any item misplaced must be replaced by the borrower.

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